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Team work makes the dream work - volunteers restore community garden



Our Community Engagement Team organised a volunteer day to bring a previous award winning community garden in Camden back to its former glory. Each year, Origin colleagues have the chance to volunteer for in our local communities. The Jean Edwards Community Garden in Camden,  was given a makeover by our grounds maintenance contractor, John O’Conner who were joined by over 20 colleagues from across Origin to pick up any litter, paint, weed and plant some new flowers to both tidy and brighten the area.

One of our residents involved in the garden emailed us with some lovely feedback: “Today, I witnessed something extraordinary. Tenants, social landlords, and neighbours got together to help revive The Jean Edwards Memorial Garden, a community garden at the back of Athlone House and Solar House with a rich history. Cameron Henderson, one of the children who created the art walls in this award-winning garden, is now the Chair of the Athlone Tenants Association, who inspired Origin Housing to take a particular interest in this little gem.

So many volunteers emerged this morning and tackled the challenging job of weeding, clearing up, planting, decorating, and loving this small piece of land that required TLC.  Everyone appreciates your efforts and dedication and hopes this community will renew its interest and learn to love its heritage.”



Below is a before and after photo following a big collaborative effort with our colleagues, residents and grounds maintenance contractor.