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Origin Housing and Places for People merger - Resident information



Announcement 19 October

On the 19 October we announced that we have entered into merger talks with national Housing Association, Places for People (read the announcement).

We are interested in your views about our proposal to join Places for People (PfP).  This is the start of a six-week consultation period with residents that will finish on 7 December 2023. 

You will be able to find out more, make comments and ask questions at the bottom of this page or at one of the face-to-face or online meetings. 

Our proposal 

We are proposing to enter into an agreement which means that Origin Housing will become a subsidiary of Places for People. We will initially keep our name and brand but with an intention to revert to the name St Pancras Homes to recognise our centenary in 2024. There is an expectation in the longer term (after two or more years) to integrate fully with the group through a regionalised structure whilst retaining locally responsive services. 

The reasons for the partnership 

Inflation, interest rates, the cost of living, shortages of skills and increased demands on the social housing sector mean that our operating environment is proving very challenging. To fully achieve our ambitions of services that make people’s lives easier and homes and communities people are proud to live in, we need to build our financial strength and capacity for the future, so that we can invest more in upgrading the quality of your homes, build more homes and improve services. Our proposal will mean we can do more of the things that you want and need. 

Who are Places for People?

Places for People is the UK’s leading Social Enterprise, changing lives by creating and supporting thriving communities. It’s an organisation consisting of complementary companies that are market leaders in placemaking, regeneration and development, investment management property management and leisure. 
Working together these businesses create and manage entire communities providing homes, services support and infrastructure that enable customers and communities to thrive. 

Places for People owns or manages more than 240,000 properties that are homes to around 500,000 customers right across the UK and last year built over 1,300 new homes. It also operates 100 leisure facilities that support the health and wellbeing of customers with an average of 1.9m visits a month. 

Last year, the Group delivered £272m in social value through its work supporting customers and communities, and in 2023/24, will deliver £300m in social value. 

You can find out more about Places for People on their website www.placesforpeople.co.uk

What are the benefits of a partnership? 

The partnership will provide long term financial strength meaning:

  • Significant additional investment – at least £50m - into improving the quality of your homes and estates and meeting new standards 

  • Improved services - underpinned by the improved ability to recruit, retain and develop skilled staff at every level and lean on support from the wider group

  • Strengthened local accountability to you through improved support for effective resident involvement in day-to-day services and with your voice heard clearly at Board level

  • You will retain the security of tenure and rent controls currently enjoyed

  • All services like repairs reporting, paying rent and service charges or raising issues with your neighbourhood manager will continue to be delivered by existing staff from existing offices.

  • Support services will continue and there will be access to a wider range of services. 

As we enter our 100th year, the partnership means that we will have more support to deliver on our ambitions for homes and services. Our purpose remains unchanged: 

-    Great homes: places where people are proud to live.
-    Positive people: responsive caring staff getting services right for customers.
-    Strong communities: helping people and neighbourhoods thrive.

Our community-based ethos will be preserved – and while times have changed, the goal of helping tackle the housing crisis has not.

What are the benefits for you?

The significant level of extra investment we will secure through this partnership means you will benefit by us being able to improve the quality of homes, estates and services. It will protect and enhance the services we offer at a time when the housing sector is under pressure. We will continue to provide our specialist services and focus on the needs of our communities.

What about Origin staff? 

There will be no change for Origin employees. Both the Board and the Senior team will remain in place and, with the support of the PfP group, will continue to have oversight of our finances and governance. 

How will services be delivered? 

All services like repairs reporting, paying rent and service charges or raising issues with our customer services team or neighbourhood manager will continue to be delivered by existing staff from existing offices.

What about my tenancy / lease agreement?

There will be no transfer of the ownership of your home and no change to the terms of your tenancy or lease as a result of Origin’s proposal to become a Group member of PfP. You will continue to pay your rent and service charges to Origin. There will be no changes to any of our contractors as a result of the partnership. 

What happens now? 

You can attend one of our online or in person meetings, where you will get a chance to hear from the Origin Executive team and a senior representative of PfP and make comments or ask questions. We will also shortly appoint an independent Residents Advisor to hear from and to represent residents. 

6 November 2023 6.00pm  - 7.00pm 

Online: please join us using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83845613711

Meeting ID: 838 4561 3711

7 November 2023   1.30pm - 2.30pm 

Drop in session: 
Origin Housing, St Richard’s House, 110 Eversholt Street, London, NW1 1BS


8 November 2023  1.00pm – 2.00pm Online: please join us using this link

Meeting ID: 885 0040 8743
8 November 2023 6.00pm – 7.00pm 

Drop-in session : 

Origin Housing, St Richard’s House, 110 Eversholt Street, London, NW1 1BS 

9 November 2023 5.30pm – 6.30pm Drop-in session:

Blakeney House communal lounge, Blakeney Rd, Stevenage, SG1 2LH
23 November 5.30pm-6.30pm Drop-in session:

Watermill Lane, London, N18 1SU

Additional meetings may be arranged if there is a need in specific areas.

If you are unable to attend a meeting but would like to make comments, you can do so:
•    on the form below
•    by calling 0300 323 0325
•    emailing enquiries@originhousing.org.uk 
•    or by writing to Pam Bhamra, Director of Resident Services, Origin Housing, St Richard’s House, 110 Eversholt Street, London NW1 1BS. 

At the end of the consultation on 7 December 2023, a summary of issues raised and how these have been or will be addressed, together with the outcome of the consultation, will be provided to all residents on our website and by letter.

Update 1 November:

We have added another resdient drop in session on 23 November, 5.30pm - 6.30pm at our Watermill Lane office

We’re pleased to announce that, with the agreement of Spotlight (Origin’s resident representative committee) we have appointed an independent resident advisor, Glenn Alum.

Glenn’s role will be to work with you, our residents, to answer questions you may have about the proposed partnership with Places for People and feed back your views to our Board. Glenn is completely independent and you can meet him at one of the on line or drop in sessions or email him directly with your questions on the proposal.

About Glenn
Glenn has over 20 years’ experience in social housing in a variety of roles. He specialises in merger and acquisition related work and has supported the formation of several new partnerships between Registered Providers in his time with Campbell Tickell. In addition to delivering resident consultation and communication through these projects, Glenn has a extensive experience of guiding residents through significant change projects through his previous work on local authority stock transfers.

Glenn’s role is to support Origin’s residents during the consultation process. He will be available to answer any queries you may have about the proposed partnership with Places for People, whilst also feeding back residents’ views to the Origin Board. Glenn will be available in person or virtually at the upcoming consultation events. You can also ask any questions via email at glenn.allum@campbelltickell.com.