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LocalMotion Partnership



LocalMotion is a collaboration of six funders who want to play their part in facilitating systemic, positive change in six locations facing economic, environmental, or social challenges.​ The six funders are Lloyds Bank Foundation, Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Lankelly Chase Foundation, Tudor Trust, and City Bridge Trust.

In 2021, LocalMotion Enfield was born, as Enfield was one of the six places the funders wanted to work with. Since then, our Community Development Manager has been part of the LocalMotion Enfield core group as the Housing Association representative working with colleagues from the local authority, voluntary, community and charity sectors. The role of the group is to test ways of achieving long-term systemic change that tackles the root causes of social, environmental and economic injustices based on local community priorities. The funders have entrusted the core group with generous funding to do this by August 2023, with the possibility for larger funds beyond this period to scale impactful initiatives. 

As a group, we decided that our agreed local vision is: “to make Enfield the place where all residents have access to opportunities by tackling the east-west borough attainment gap and mental health and social isolation.” The group agreed voices of those with lived experiences will drive our decisions, so no ideas would be explored without the diverse voices of Enfield residents. There are two sub-groups from the core group with one focusing on youth unemployment and attainment gap whilst the other focuses on isolation and mental health.  

We have been working as part of the sub-group looking at social isolation and mental health, as this was one of the main challenges that were identified by the staff at Enfield Single Housing (ESH) through their work with residents. In October this year, researchers employed by the sub-group hosted a session at the ESH office to hear from our residents about their experiences. This was done as part of action research to help better understand any gap in service provision and ideas from Enfield residents about provisions that will be most impactful for them. The findings from this research will be available in January 2023 when the research concludes. We hope to pilot one or more ideas from the findings, so watch the space.

If you are an Enfield resident and like to learn more about LocalMotion, visit https://localmotion.org.uk/ or to get involved, visit contact our Community Development Manager at community.development@originhousing.org.uk