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How our residents views are helping us deliver our next grounds maintenance contract



We recruited residents to work alongside us in a ‘Scrutiny Rapid Review’ to look at our grounds maintenance contract and ensure we’re doing the things that matter most to you as we look at the options to provide an improved service with our next contract.

The meeting of around 12 residents was held on Wednesday 7 February. The agreed question to answer on the day was: “How can we improve our resident satisfaction with Ground Maintenance Service through improving communication and co-operation between the contractor, our colleagues and residents?”

Our Estate Services Manager Jon gave a presentation on how we best work with the contractor to ensure the successful delivery of a contract, followed by any questions our residents had.

Our Spotlight Committee members followed up by presenting how residents feel about the current grounds maintenance service before table discussions to place to work out the best route forward together.

We’ve had some great feedback on the project so far from the residents involved:

“As a resident, I'm happy that we're involved in the decision processes towards the services that our landlord provides. I would like to see more of this, and I am becoming increasingly convinced that our landlord does too.”

“I'd simply like to say that it was a relief to see a positive desire from Origin to work with residents on these matters.”

“It seems clear that residents are not only willing to be involved in how the estates are managed, but are solution focused and have a good understanding of things can be done in a more holistic way.”

18 of our residents are now keen to stay involved throughout the rest of the project implementation, so we’ll be updating you on the outcomes of the review in March.