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Gardening galore in Enfield in partnership with Together We Create



Local charity Together We Create (TWC) runs innovative projects to help build strong communities. We’ve partnered with TWC to run a programme of fun, diverse activities with children from Watermill Lane.

On Saturday 7 April, our younger residents were offered the chance to get their hands dirty during a day of gardening.
On the day the TWC team and our Customer Engagement Coordinator helped the young people to get stuck in with the gardening activities, planting herbs and seasonal flowers for them to take home.

The event was part of the Leadership Academy that TWC has been delivering in partnership with us, funded by BBC Children in Need. The purpose of the academy is to support young people to develop new skills and confidence, gain valuable experiences and enjoy themselves through creative activities.

The TWC team have been doing some fantastic work with local children living in our Watermill Lane over the past couple of years, with a grand total of 25 children taking part in last year’s summer programme. The Leadership Academy, which started in February 2017, has recently been re-funded for another year of diverse activities for young people.
TWC is running two more community events coming up soon for anyone in the local community:

  • Crafting Day on Sunday 29 April 1pm-3pm
  • Community Meal Day on Sunday 17 June 1pm-3pm.

If you have children aged around 10 and older who might be interested in the Leadership Academy, or are interested in the community day events, and live in Watermill Lane, or other local estates Ploughman’s Close and Whitehead Close, visit TWC’s website to find out more.