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Fire safety during the festive season



We hope you all have a great festive season this year. To make sure you and your families are as safe as possible it’s best to be aware that there are often extra fire hazards in the home. Things like candles, portable heaters, open fires, Christmas tree lights, and overloaded sockets can create extra risks. We’ve put together a few quick tips to help keep you and your household safe over the festive season.
Remember to test all of your fire alarms
Don’t overload electrical sockets – and remember to turn off things like festive lights when you go to bed (it’ll also save you money on your bills!)
Keep decorations and cards away from fires and other heat sources like light fittings
Take care with candles, always use candle holders and keep them away from curtains and any flammable materials or fabrics
Keep matches, lighters or any other sources of fire out of the reach of children
Give yourself enough time to prepare and cook Christmas dinner to help prevent any accidents in the kitchen
Never leave cooking unattended
Keep alcohol away from cooker hobs, heaters, and out of the reach of children
Don't drink too much and cook – if you’re keen to drink it might be wiser to get a takeaway
Never smoke in bed
If you do smoke, please make sure you stub cigarettes out properly and dispose of them carefully
Be aware of where your fire exits are
To find out more please visit https://www.london-fire.gov.uk/news/2019-news/november/have-yourself-a-fire-free-merry-christmas/