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Out and about with Carol - April 2024



This week, on a crisp sunny morning, I joined our longstanding and valued member of the estate services team, Albert Butler, on the Athlone estate in Kentish Town, to help him scrub and wash down walls. It was good fun and we felt we had made a small difference, though there is a plan to jet wash the staircase walls which should make it look a lot better. We spoke about some of the challenges including estate gates getting vandalised by youths coming onto the estate and hanging about in the communal areas taking drugs (an issue I’ll take up with the relevant teams to see what we can do), and I learned of Albert’s love of fishing and ambition to take up long distance walking. For a Camden born and bred townie he has a country heart! 

After a quick coffee and chat at the local café, I thanked Albert for putting up with me and left him to it, feeling it had been time well spent.

Carol and Albert