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Ethnicity Pay Gap

The ethnicity pay gap shows the difference in average hourly rate of pay between White and BAME staff expressed as a percentage. Of the 294 employee records, 138 staff (47%) were declared as White, 123 (42%) declared as BAME and 33 (11%) were undisclosed.

The mean average hourly pay for White staff is £22.94 compared to BAME staff which stands at £20.23.

The median average hourly pay for White staff was £20.20 and for BAME was £19.26.

The difference in the Mean hourly pay between BAME employees and white employees was 13.6%. This has seen an increase by 2.56% since April 2022, hence widening the gap.

The difference in the Median hourly pay between BAME employees and white employees: 12.43%.  This has seen a decrease of 21.58% since April 2022 and a positive move towards BAME employees.

For bonuses, the mean average between BAME employees and white employees was  -28.79%, this was positive move towards BAME employees.

There is an even split in the number of employees paid in each of the 4 pay quartiles.
There has been an increase of BAME staff working in the Upper quartile, which has risen from 28% to 34% since April 2022.

The percentage of BAME staff working in the Upper Middle Quartile has increased from 37% to 59% since April 2022.

The percentage of BAME employees working in the  lowest  pay quartile has increased from 26% to 33% since April 2022.

The current EDI make up of employees working at Origin is:

  • BAME = 54%
  • Non BAME = 35%
  • Undisclosed  = 11%

Overall we have an 89% ethnicity disclosure rate, compared to 70% in April 2022.